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Kerosene is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid used for lamps, cooking stoves, etc.. It is a common household oil in Nigeria . Also generated from crude, it is immiscible in water miscible in petroleum solvents.

Our kerosene conforms to the following specifications from the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR):

Features/Specifications :

  • Specific @ 60/60°F
  • Distillation Recovered @ 200°C (%vol.)
  • FBP (OC)
  • Colour
  • Merchantable Odour
  • Flash point (Abel, oF)
  • Total sulphur (%wt)
  • Copper corrosion (3hr @ 50 °C)
  • Smoke point (mm) 22 (min.O)
  • Char value (mg/k) 15